Termoprojekt d.o.o.
Flutter Developer
I am a Flutter Developer, as well as a graduating Computer Science student from Belgrade, Serbia. On this website you can find information that is related to me. Everything about my work, studies, sports. My contact infomation is listed at the bottom of the page.
You can read about all the things I've done in my CV: My CV
Here are some of the projects I have finished for my time as a Web Developer.
Here is a list of some stuff that I did, that are not whole projects, rather things that can be a part of a project.
Not a mini project, but a full project that just isn't hosted anywhere.
Firstly, I did it in PHP+MySQL and afterwards I did it in Django+MySQL.
Images are clickable so you can zoom in and see how it looks like.
This is something I plan to develop and publish when time comes, even though it's totally functional as of now, I want to add more functionalities.
Koderizam is a website I started, meant to help programmers who are beginners, as well as people who want to find out something new. You can check it out here: Koderizam
This is the work I've done for an editorial staff called NBA Serbia and another one called BallRox as their Graphic Designer and Social Media Manager.
I started playing basketball at the age of 8. Below you can watch some of my highlights videos:
Higlights Video #1If you would like to work with me, feel free to contact me via any of the options I left below the menu or via e-mail:
lazaristic13 [at] gmail.com
lristic4 [at] yahoo.com